Monday, March 9, 2009

Casa Blanca

Our house is called the Casa Blanca, formerly called the Casa Delphini. There's a lot of different architectural styles around the lake, I've seen them from the chicken boats we take from San Marcos to Panajachel. Ours is Greek style. Sal loves it because it has a big central courtyard, I love it because it has pretty tile floors, a fireplace and one of those doors that you can open the top half or the bottom half. We both love it because of the view. (That's San Pedro Volcano.) So we love the house.
Our first few nights we didn't sleep normally, but we did sleep a lot. Our house has two buildings, looking at the picture, to the right is the living room and kitchen and to the left is a bedroom on each floor, each with it's own bathroom. The downstairs bathroom is much nicer, but upstairs we have the terrace.
The drawback? Those damn spiders. Man. I guess living in the city your whole life (even the burbs) you take for granted how rarely spiders get inside. But here, in a house no one's really lived in for a few months, we've had to fight them off. Not literally. I just never realized how scared I was of spiders, and how irrational and gripping that fear could be. It got to me on our second morning and I kind of freaked out. But now I think the worst is over and I can start getting over my fear. I considered fighting them off, putting traps and stinky cleaners and all that stuff to ward them off. But now I think it's better for me if I force myself to look at them and not be scared. Sal still fosters big dreams of Peru, and if I'm still as arachnophobic as I am now when we're drinking ayahuasca in the jungle that'd be trouble. So. Time to grow up. Even so, spiders hate people and already just with daily cleaning and thumping the wall next to them so they scamper away, they don't come inside as often.
Definitely worth it.

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